miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

English Language Challenges

Hello miss and classmates, I have to say that I really enjoy this class, I am never going to forget our karaoke class haha, it was a really fun class.
I have fun making the blogs, because I think the themes were really funny and interesting. There were things that I really enjoy to share with you. And also doing this was a way to start knowing each other. We present ourselves doing this, and we share some information  like what we like to do or watch on the TV, what we want to do in the future, what we think about some stuff that are happening in our lives, etc.
I think that the aspects that I need to improve in my English are the pronunciation and the listening. My plans to improve all this is lie down on my bed in this vacation and watch a lot of series without subtitles on Netflix.
Outside the English class I don´t use a lot the English, I just use it when I listen to some songs that are in this language and then I sing them. Or sometimes when I am with my brother and we watch series that are in English, I am looking to my cellphone or making another thing, but I am also listening to the TV, so I try to understand without watching the subtitles.
Well classmates and miss, I hope that you also had fun in this class, I have to thank to all of you, because you were really nice to me and you make the class were pleasant to be. I send to you a lot of energy to continue in this journey! J And I hope we will see each other on the other semesters! 

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

Changes to my study programme

To be honest, I don´t know in a perfect way the study programme of psychology. I mean I know the name of the subjects, but they are some of them that I just know that, and I have no idea about what is the subject about.
What I have heard from the persons that are on the other years of the career, is that psychology has a lot of workload, because we have to read a lot in every subject. Actually since I started the career I have think that sometimes the teachers are exploiting us haha but is just a joke.
Also I have heard that the people of psychology talks a lot about a programme renovation, because they don´t like that all of the subjects are almost just theory, and we don´t have the opportunity to practice the necessary. They believe that we have to start practicing since the firsts years.
About the teaching methods, based on what I have live in this semester, I think they are okey. In some subjects I think they are boring, because some teachers are just doing monologues. But in other classes I really have fun (philosophy and anthropology I love you, I am your fan)

Finally, about the tecnologhy and the faculty, I don’t have an opinion, because I just have one class in FACSO, so I don´t spend a lot of time in the faculty.

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Winter Holidays

I really like to travel a lot. I haven´t been in a lot of places yet, but I have a lot of plans about traveling in the next years. Actually I have a list of all the places that I have to visit at least once in my whole life.  
I think all the places that I have in my list, would be great to visit in the Winter. I really love Winter, so that is not a problem to me.
On this Winter vacations, it would be awesome if I go to the south of Chile. The only places I have been in the south are Concepción and Temuco, but I want to meet all the south.
The way I want to do it is backpacking! And would like to do this adventure with two of my best Friends. I have never do it before, but I don´t think that it would be difficult for me, because I am scout since I have 12 years old, and in all this years I have learned about camping stuff and how to survive in the nature.
Finally, I don´t have plans about  studying in the Winter vacations. Right now I just want to rest and travel, I don´t want to know anything about texts or books.

An ideal Winter vacation would be one week to rest; watch netflix and eat chocolate all day. One week to work (to save money to travel) and other week to travel.