miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

Changes to my study programme

To be honest, I don´t know in a perfect way the study programme of psychology. I mean I know the name of the subjects, but they are some of them that I just know that, and I have no idea about what is the subject about.
What I have heard from the persons that are on the other years of the career, is that psychology has a lot of workload, because we have to read a lot in every subject. Actually since I started the career I have think that sometimes the teachers are exploiting us haha but is just a joke.
Also I have heard that the people of psychology talks a lot about a programme renovation, because they don´t like that all of the subjects are almost just theory, and we don´t have the opportunity to practice the necessary. They believe that we have to start practicing since the firsts years.
About the teaching methods, based on what I have live in this semester, I think they are okey. In some subjects I think they are boring, because some teachers are just doing monologues. But in other classes I really have fun (philosophy and anthropology I love you, I am your fan)

Finally, about the tecnologhy and the faculty, I don’t have an opinion, because I just have one class in FACSO, so I don´t spend a lot of time in the faculty.

2 comentarios:

  1. We need to reduce the workload really:c And I also think that our professors are okay ahaha some of them are very funny(:

  2. Sometimes the workload is a little difficult to endure :O
