teacher Patricio and classmates, today I want to show and explain you a lifestyle that I
started one year and a half ago, and that makes me feel very proud and happy
with my soul and my body.
When I was
in the school, two of my closest friends decided to became vegetarian. At first
I found it ridiculous, because for me eating meat was the most normal thing in
the world, but when I started to hear their arguments and looked information on
internet, I realize the injustice that animals have to live every day.

I want to
show you the last point: There are at least 6 classifications of what a
vegetarian eats.
The first
one includes the people that don’t eat meat, except for the fish. The second
one is the “ovo vegetarian”, this are the persons that don’t eat anything from
the animal, except for the egg. The third one is the “lacteo vegetarian”, they
don’t eat anything from the animal except from de milk. The fourth one (my
category) is the “ovo-lacteo vegetarian” which is a mix between the first two
categories. There is also the “strict vegetarian”, they don’t eat anything from
the animal. And the last one is the “vegan”, they are like the gods of this
lifestyle haha because they don’t eat and don’t wear anything that comes for an
Why I am vegetarian
and not vegan? Because I believe all in this life is a process. I love my body
and I want it to be ok, so I have to make this change in a gradual way. But I
think that in some years I will be vegan.
I can’t lie…
MEAT IS DELICIOUS! But my love for animals is bigger than that taste. And I
have to say that the vegetarian and vegan menu taste even more delicious.
I am very happy with my vegetarian lifestyle, I am even stronger than I was a year ago, and my health is perfect.
My dear Clau! I really admire you because of your vegetarian lifestyle, If I am really honest I couldn't imagine myself being vegetarian or vegan but I respect so much to the vegetarian/vegan people because I think that is necessary a lot of willpower and love for the animals obviously! I love that you are happy with this lifestyle and I love that you are a responsible vegetarian because there is a lot of people doing this diet without any care. I will support you forever *-*